Minute Man Anchors Tank Anchoring Systems are a small investment to:
- Improve Public Safety
- Protect the Environment
- Reduce Cleanup Costs
- Reduce Your Liability
- Reduce Tank & Fuel Replacement Cost
Every year, the forces of rising waters during floods causes propane and heating oil tanks, buried and indoor ones - to push to the surface and break their supply lines. Spilling fuel, these tanks become dangerous battering rams bobbing and damaging property. Homes and commercial buildings suffer extensive contamination and expensive cleanup. Families, livestock, pets, waterways and water tables are all at risk every time tanks break loose.
You can protect the people and property important to you. In fact, by law, every fuel supply in a flood-prone location must be anchored.
Minute Man Anchors makes it easy and inexpensive to anchor your tank securely, protecting you from possible lawsuits, insurance problems and major cleanup costs.
A one-time installation, is one less thing to worry about when emergency strikes. For just a fraction of the cost of replacing all that expensive fuel, our Tank Anchoring Systems work with every size and shape of tank. It just makes good economic and environmental sense doesn't it?